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NightstrikerX said:

Its wrong, injustice I tells ya! Today I wanted to buy a playstation 3. The clerk said it was 519.99, for a bundle that included a mega-massive harddrive, two games, pain and uncharted, and the console itself! This is injustice! This bundle is easily worth 800 dollars in my opinion!!

Why is the PS3's price so low!? Lets face it, you CANNOT find a better Blu-ray player out there in the market! None, Not even Sony's BDPS350 and BDPS550 are as great as the all mighty playstation 3! For it not only is the best blu-ray player out there, but the best game console! Not only for the blu-ray, but the playstation 3 has internet capabilities out there as well. It's free playstation network has connected all playstation players together in harmony! Truly this is how gaming shall be in the future, where all gamers can hold hands and chant upon the name of their console. Playstation 3! Playstation 3! Playstation 3!

Clearly this Price tag of 519.99 must be a printing error. For I find it wrong.




Happy 199 Posts NightstrikerX!



Last I checked... Pain is soooo PAINFULLY BAD.. that Sony actually pays you for it... Hence: the amazing Deal..

thats why it's flying off the shelves...

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o