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1- Star Fox Wii - Explained Below

- The Conduit - A FPS on the Wii with great gameplay and graphics? Perfect! Wii Motion + enabled!

- Killzone 2 - I just like the way this game is looking out to be on the PS3.

- Resident Evil 5 - The only one in the seires I've played is RE4 and it was easily a success in my mind. the game plays great, I only have great hope for it's sequel.

- COD:6 - We know it will be COD4's sequel, Modern Warefare 2, if you like. COD4 was a fantastic game, COD6 will surely meet it in terms of sales and reviews.
I have many many more games that could probably be up there, but these are just the ones that come to mind. The only one with a number there is Star Fox Wii, simply because it's the #1 reason I bought a Wii for. I hope they don't let me down and actually release the title. The rest of the titles are there in no particular order.