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This thread is too long for me to read through, but I'm sure there is a couple of people defending the parents and saying they should have done up the cake. A supermarket is private property. If management says so, they can do what they want, ban whoever they want, disallow what they want. Even cops can be kicked out of a store. If they said they wont do the cake, then theres no law saying they have to. This isn't public property, this is in the house of (whatever corporation they are).

And really, this is a good business move on their part. Theres are a lot more Nazi haters than lovers.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan