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Aside from a few, I doubt many got the point of this thread. Whether they refused to read the opening post for what it was or simply turned it into a competition I don't know. I thank those like Jagged who understood the point but other than that you turned it into a competition.

That's exactly what this was going against. We are all hardcore gamers and we can all look at these 5 games and think how awesome it must be to be apart of that group. Instead we continuously keep dividing and thinking those who disagree are enemies. Just like American politics splits liberals and conservatives who are two people disagreeing for the sake of one cause. Now it's turned into a war where only one has the right answer. It's disturbing what we are turning this into.

I love to argue and debate, probably more than anyone else, but I never at the end of the day make it personal. Sure there are some people that piss me off at the things they say, but I always understand that these people are the same as I. I should treat them as such then rather than a mortal enemy. Argue and debate all you want but just remember we are in a growing industry thanks to our group and if we want our section to survive we need to realize that and make sure we are on the same page. Realize that those 5 series up there may not be everyone's favorite or something you'll play, but that they are the works of our dedication as hardcore gamers. So for one god damn moment, share in the glory with Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, and PC fans but together as the core gamers.

That's what this topic is about.