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MGS published Gears 2, Banjo, Lost Odyssey, and Fable 2, for starters.

As for online, so much depends on peoples' personal preferences. I watched L4D being played for awhile at a friend's (I'll pick it up after the new year) and the gameplay was some of the most intriguing online stuff I've seen in ages. Far different than the same ol' stuff you get from Gears, Resistance, etc. Not that those are bad, they're just reworking old formulas.

As for Edge, they're one of the few publications that still has even an ounce of my respect. I don't agree with them on a lot of things, but at least they have their own opinions and they stick to them. It's nice to see them put so much weight behind LBP when everyone else is going the obvious Gears/MGS4/GTA route.

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