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I don't buy FF's selling 5-7 million at best. The last two we've seen haven't been "normal" FF's - FFX-2 is a sequel, something never done before. FFXII was released very late into the system's life, and went in a different art direction (similar to FF9 - check the sales of that game). On top of that, the gameplay was changed - it's the only FF that isn't turn based.

I'm sure there are some buyers willing to purchase a console for a single game, but there's definitely not many. Are there no games on the 360 you would like to play? I've been a fan of FF ever since FF6 came out, but I skipped out on the PS1. I wasn't very interested in the console, so I couldn't buy FF7-9 (not until years after the PS2 came out, anyway).

Anyway, I didn't see you prove anything about MP games. How do you explain GTA3 sales on Xbox? Do you think Call of Duty or GTA4 would have sold 10m+ on the PS3/360 alone? Why did Elder Scrolls, an XBox franchise, sell 3/4 of a million on the PS3? Do you think if Halo 3 or Gears of War 2 were released on PS3 now, it wouldn't sell?