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The Anarchyz said:
Squilliam said:
@The Anarchyz

Flash based media doesn't have to be as cheap as optical disks to be effective. Because the Xbox 360 can only store 6.8GB of data per disk they could easily get away with 8gb sized flash drives for media. There are other compelling reasons for going with flash, significant compelling reasons. A lot of games at the start of the next generation will be simple ports of the current generation and 6.8GBs is the standard which Microsoft has disctated to the industry through their success.

Take the Xbox 360, it comes without a HDD. Effective strategy? Yes its currenty able to be sold for $200 because it doesn't have the fixed cost of the HDD constantly pushing the price up. Take that mindset one further and having an SKU without HDD or Optical drive with a minimum of flash for saved games starts to make perfect sense.

As for the price of the media, they could easily charge $5 more next generation for games, $4/1 split between the console manufacturer and retailer to pay for the extra cost of the media if they have to. To be quite frank really, the console manufacturing costs are far too high at the moment to be tenable. So much money is spent on hardware just to make up for the failings of the optical media.

They won't get away next-gen with 8 GB, look at Lost Odyssey, it comes in 4 discs, and Final Fantasy XIII will come to them in probably the same or more amount, the mayority of games this gen could fit in a single DVD9 because last gen a few games took the full disc (Ninty had 1.5 GB, PS2 and Xbox used 2 to 4 GB most of the time), i think that for them to be safe next generation they need to have 16 to 32 GB media, especially if they want to do 1080p...

You said so, it comes without an HDD in the Arcade Edition, but it comes with an optical drive, and do you think that they cannot do the same next-gen? And tell that extra-charge to 3rd party publishers, part of the 360 success is 3rd party games, PS3 is getting them also, and Wii is starting to see them, i don't think that they are willing to alienate them...

Like i said, i'm for flash media because of all the benefits it brings, but i don't see it ready next-gen, the one after that is more possible...

Many games at the start of this generation on the Xbox 360 used less than 4GB of data on the disc. Its not that hard to imagine they could start the generation releasing games on 8/16gb media, then move to 12/24, then move to 16/32/48, then move to 20/40/60, then move to 24/48/72 by the end of the generation. Just increase the size of the media once a year. Besides this JRPGs are a niche anyway, they are practically irrelevent now that Japan doesn't care for consoles and Westerners don't care all that much for JRPGs.


