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Darth Tigris said:
Dodece said:
@Max King of the Wild

Mass Effect 2 going to the PS3 is highly unlikely. First Microsoft probably traded away the first games publishing rights on the PC to Electronic Arts to secure the trilogies exclusivity. Secondly I have neither scene or heard of Bioware hiring staff conversant with the Cell architecture. So there is no anecdotal evidence as to the possibility, and a great deal of anecdotal evidence to the contrary. Oh and Electronic Arts does have platform specific studios in case you were unaware.


Jet Force Gemini

Dragon Age: Origins is coming to the PS3, so Bioware likely has staff that is familiarizing themselves with the PS3's architecture.

Still, I'd be relatively surprised if ME II came to the PS3.  But not disappointed.  As long as I get to play it on my 360, its all good.


the only problem with this is that bioware always owned the ip.  they signed some weird agreement (like bioware could opt out if they paid money or something) but i think it was only for the first game.

im just not sure how interested ms would be in keeping it exclusive.  i dont think they will pay the exclusive money.  it would just continue this race to the bottom which is hurting/hindering the industry so much.


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.