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SmokedHostage said:
Groucho said:
The refurb units that MS sends back are *really* prone to RRoD.

You're better off buying a new X360, and selling the refurb you get back from MS on eBay (That's what I did, and I am very happy with my new Jasper X360).

Damn it.. will hard drive work on another 360?

Hm.  I think so.  I sold my 20GB drive when I scored the new machine and a 60GB, so I can't say from experience.  The Arcade models were the first units to achieve Jasper-ness anyway, so that's your best bet.


Arcade -- lot #0842, team CSON, or later.  FDOU probably needs lot #0844 or later.  Look for "12.1A" (jasper) instead of "14.2A" (falcon) through the little window on the box.  Remember to thank MS for providing you great gaming when you buy it (again).  Seriously though, my jasper runs very cool.  I doubt it will ever RRoD.