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It's because they were not thinking about the future. Most of them, and especially EA, ahd franchises that were extremely well received by the public and also sold good, but instead of caring and polishing those, the publishers tried to milk them as much as they could.

If you are a gaming company and you have created a great franchise, you should make it big like Nintendo does or like, for example, Konami did with MGS. It will only take a few years and now-beloved games like Guitar Hero or Call of Duty will be done to death because people can't stand them anymore, there will just be too much of those.

This is why Activison is not in trouble, they just had luck lately with their franchises, but soon enough they will have the same problem as EA, lots of franchises they are doing yearly installments of, but half of them isn't breaking even anymore. Instead of slowing down with development, the companies are trying to create new IP's which is actually great, but they are failing to do it right because they are releasing them too fast and instead of marketing the first one, they already start developing the second installment.

Of course, higher development costs on HD consoles and the misunderstanding of the Wii also helps failing economically, but stopping to milk every franchise until it dries out would really be a lot already.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)