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Yea true it doesn't matter if nobody buys the game or goes to the movie and it sells nothing. It does not change how good the game or movie is.

Nintendogs is a great game and very well made. Just because it doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it is bad. I would never go to or buy the movie Sex and the City, but there are millions upon millions that loved it and was super pumped for it. And those same millions most likely hate and think GTA series is horrible. Their number far outnumbers your number, so then who is right. Which game or movie is better.

Neither, they are both good. What you HD people don't seem to ever understand. Be happy for your games, and quit dissing ours. I enjoy playing my Wii games. I have all 3 systems right now, yet there are only 2 games I want to play on the 360 and 0 on the PS3 right now. Fable 2, and Tales of Vespera. Because i don't give a shit about LBP, Gears 2, COD5, Resistance 2, and many others you guys praise does that make me dumb.