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Soriku said:
All right, windbane. You're arguing all this...but can you give any reasons as to why they'd choose KH3 for the PS3 over the Wii? Don't put any bias in this, give actual reasons why choosing the HD consoles is a much better choice than the Wii.


Just read what I've said.  I've already had to repeat myself many times over in this thread because people won't read what I say in full.

Oh fine, here it is again:

1.  PS3/360 has more market share than Wii and third party games are selling very well.  Btw, you say PS3 above but I'm pretty sure that because of Last Remnant, FF13, etc going to 360 that if KH3 goes HD it wil be multiplatform.  This isn't so much an argument for HD, more a counter argument to the fact that it would sell a lot more on the Wii.

2.  Developer of KH1 and KH2 is working on FF:13 Versus.  It's the same game type and the team will already have experience on PS3 as well as the tools ready to go.  Also, I find it very convienant that there is a DS and PSP version of KH coming out when the KH1/2 team is working on Versus.  Biding time.

3.  It has always made sense to me that DQX would be on Wii and KH would be HD.  Some seem to disagree with me about the reason, but to me I just felt like KH relied on graphics a little more than DQ.  Cutscenes are a large part of that, and I've said that I don't think KH is as graphical intensive as FF, but I think it factors in.  Square also seems willing to spread their franchises around this generation so why not mix it up.  Perhaps the difference in production value is just my view of Enix versus Square, since one created DQ and the other created FF (and yes, I realize they merged).  KH is based on the FF universe, so it would make sense to pair KH with FF13 more so than DQX.  Perhaps one could argue FF:CC or My Life as a King, so maybe that point is moot, but I'd favor the pairing of the main game over spinoffs.

4.  Along with the pairing of FF, KH is more of a western style game because of Disney and the action-RPG aspect of it.  Western RPGs have been very successful on HD consoles so far.  Mass Effect, Fable 2, Fallout 3, and Oblivion are the best examples I can think of.  They are all million sellers.

Anyway, the production value argument is secondary to the other points.  Perhaps a big difference I have with a lot of people here is that I don't think the Wii is going to run away with gaming sales like the PS2 had already done by the time KH1 and KH 2 came out (reason #1).  Third parties are just far too successful on the HD consoles. 

Therefore, I think #2 through #4 make the decision lean towards HD.