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PSwii60 said:

I agree. Without RARE, Donkey Kong franchise has never been the same.
Miyamoto may have created Donkey Kong but RARE made him who he is.

Though I trust Miyamoto could do work some magic and bring the franchise back; at the moment he's busy creating casual games

Until then, it's wishful thinking.

Now, 2D Metroid.. That'd be f*N sick! as a WiiWare game.

2 points about your post


1. is miyamoto busy creating casual games? he was working on wii music but obviously that is now done. possibly he is only cotemplating whats his next casual game whilst now giving more attention to pikmim, mario and zelda

2. nintendo cant make everything. as well as a 2D mertroid and DK people also want star fox, f-zero, zelda, mario, pilotwings, pikmin 3, earthbound, fatal frame, golden sun, another 2D mario and new IPs. i bet if a 3D DK was made people would be estatic. then 6 months later theyd be asking for a 'proper' DK in 2D


 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia