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Christopher_G2 said: No one should count the PS3 until we see how it performs in 2008. Gran Turismo 5 and expecially Final Fantasy XIII (which will remain exclusive in spite of silly fanboy rumors) will be big system sellers in Japan. Will they be big enough to make this a two-way horse race between the Wii and PS3? Well possibly if they're coupled with price cuts. Japan loves inovation but they also love great technology as well. And please don't reply about how the PSP with better technology is getting it's ass handed to it by the DS. The portable market and the console market are two totally different animals. All in all I never expect the Wii to touch the success of the DS in Japan, and do expect the PS3 to suprass sales of the PSP.
Nintendo fans thought that the Gamecube could open up a can of whoop-ass on the PS2 with Super Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil, and Metriod Prime in 2002 ... One thing that every console war has demonstrated is that it is easy to maintain momentium but very difficult to get it; if the PS3 behaves like most consoles in history 2007 will be (one of) its biggest year. If the PS3 doesn't sell well, expect third parties to switch resources away from the PS3 as projects are completed, and for the resources from PS2 projects to not be devoted to the PS3.