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SamuelRSmith said:
Million said:
A true monopoly has alot of discression in the amount they are able to charge for the products , their products are effectivley exceptions to the rules of price elasticity of demand to an en extent.

This isn't true, monopolies can only do this thing in markets which are necessities, not luxury items.



"Strictly, monopolies exist when there is a single supplier in a market. Adam Smith, in the Wealth of Nations, provided a sustained attack on monopolies but thought of them more as multi-firmed industries with statutory protection along the lines of the medieval guilds."

Hmm actualy if there is only one supplier of a good in demand then it's not really relevant if the good is a luxury or a neccasity , because the item can only be obtained from one person that individual has full discression in how much they are able to charge for it... to an extent.

Even if a item is a neccasity there's only so much that can be charged for any item  but I will agree that monoplies have more discression with neccasery items.