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Imthelegend said:
Crystalchild said:

Hey Guys, there are much "Sony is going to die" threads, but if you look forward : is PS3´s situation and future really that bad?

No, it simply isnt.

in 2009...


- Killzone II Will come, and it will be awesome. (Awesome Graphics, stunning effects.... a nice shooter, no one can say something else about it.)

- Final Fantasy versus XIII (one of the most loved Square Enix franchise´s : Final Fantasy. and vXIII will be only for PS3...dont worry about Infinite Undiscovery and Last Remnant... :P)

- WHOAA! ...look at the Teaser of God of War III, and watch the leaked Pics of Uncharted 2 - they both are looking awesome - and they are still in development.

- Patented Motion Control: Sony is able to create new Kinds of Games with Wii-like Controls : and Microsoft cant copy it ;) (so there is a new Partythingy - Singstar, Eyetoy and Buzz are getting reinforcements :P)

- RPGS!  - Final Fantasy Versus XIII, White Knight Stories/Chronicles, Demons Souls - and the Multiplat´s : Sacred 2 / The Witcher : Rise of the White Wolf   -- every game looks promising.

- Bigger, Better, and more Badass: God of War III, Uncharted : Among Thieves, Killzone 2, Yakuza 3, Gran Turismo 5, InFamous, MAG, Quantum Theory and more will rock !

- Pricedrop: Produce a Bluray drive will be cheaper after time, and Sony will be able to sell PS3 a little bit cheaper.


and if you look into the future:


- Sony has a new Format: Blu ray. until the next generation arrives: it will be much faster, and there will be Discs, that can store hundreds of Gigabyte´s. And Games WILL be bigger, so Microsoft must: a.) buy the Blu ray license´s from Sony / b.)  create a new kind of disc. both options are expensive, so sony will be able to sell PS4 earlier to a lower Price then Microsoft its 720 ;)  (so it will be vice versa to the present sitation.)



The Sun will shine for Sony - later, but it will.

not sure about this one. Sony is struggling and really I do not think they could afford a price cut even into next year.


Speaking of which didn't sony just raise prices of everything other than the PS3 in Europe to help balance the difference in currency? It doesn't seem logical that they'd lower price if they could suddenly turn a small profit. That strategy would work if they were selling heavy software but they don't dominate in that department like the PS2 did. It would be better to turn a profit on hardware if that is the case then to eat it and hope to make it up in software.

Loss Leading works in a certain financial atmosphere, which we don't have right now and mostly when you are in the lead or selling heavy software to subsidize the hardware loss. Sony has neither and has a past 2 years of profit loss on their roster with the PS3. It would be physically irresponsible for them to try and continue to play loss leader and may deter investors who worry about the security of their investments.