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Stop being idiots. the 360 is half the price it should sell more, they are both selling the same values worth. M$ will be losing a fair bit of money trying to get consoles into peoples houses but were are their exclusives for next year , that's right no where. M$ have no where to go whilst Sony still have the price cut up their sleeves. At the end of the day they have to make money and slashing the price which would cost them millions is not the way. They are successful for a reason and neither you or i are qualified to judge it. They have sold 18 mill in two years, that's 18 million. Just because M$ are cutting prices, they are doing so, not because they can afford it but because they know at sometime the Playstation brand will come through. If the PS3 and 360 ere identical prices M$ are full aware the the PS3 would sell better.

Microsfts deals are misleading to many buyers as these people are unaware of the extras they will require at a later date, they have whacked a £130 tag on, flogged it to death with some completely unaware of how stripped down the arcade is, i mean some buyers are not ware there are 3 SKU's. Any company who continues to ram the price down peoples thoughts is not confident of advertising the benefits over the competition.

Plus it's built like crap, i know i am on my second.