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The Fury said:
I am at a split decision for the EU as a whole. Firstly, I want my government to tell me what I can and can't do not Europe. I don't want the Euro, pound is fine (was until recently :P). Some things they do are silly and unfair. We put billions every year into the EU and get less back (money wise of course)

But as a whole the EU is a good thing, introduction of smaller states and the money they get back helps Europe as a whole to develop and strength it's ties. (Just need Ukraine to be allowed to join and sorted). More importantly for me, our government doesn't support our farmers as much as the EU does. It is the EU subsidising our farmers and supporting them, not the British Government.


You are SO wrong! The EU and Great Britain have an agreement from back in 1950 or something which makes the UK benefit more of the EU then other countries (like the Netherlands). We pay WAY more per capita to the EU then people in Britain. Just because of some silly agreement after WOII that you guys keep sticking too~!

Oh, and the Pound is expected to fall below the Euro by analysts. Then it'll level of with the Euro. Or so the experts say.

Actually, if the Pound and Euro stay almost the same why NOT transfer to the Euro, it's just a currency! And the Euro has more benefits then the Pound at that moment because it's a much more solid currency! A lot of currencies have gone down alot recently like the Danish or the Iceland's currencies!

Joining a European block with 1 currency is much more powerfull, also in their political ambitions! As for Switzerland; they won't join because they have what is called secrecy of bank-accounts or something like that. If they were to join the EU they would have to give that up and they are never, ever going to do that! Because it's a great place for laundrers to wash their money and Switzerland benefits of that!

EDIT: I hope the Illuminati ain't reading this! Aaaargh, they rule the world XD... Or the freemasons! They even have their logo imprinted on the 1$ bill... NOoooooo!!! :-p...