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I dont think God of War 3 will ship this year. I'm not even sure if GT5 will ship this year, atleast not outside of Japan. Theres GOT to be some PS3 price cut in 2009. There is no way in hell they will go the whole year without a single price cut. That would be suicide. They need to get down to $299 by the end of 2009.

We will probably see motion controls for both the 360 and PS3 in 2009. I have no idea how well these will go against the Wii.

I can't see Sony winning 2009 personally. The company is finnacially hurting right now, and MS will cut prices and bundle if Sony starts to claw it's way back.

Sony will still have a great year. Most of their first parties are doing a great job. Hopefully the pressure to push out software quicker doesn't affect the quality, i.e. Resistance 2.