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"Halo 4- Not everyone openly admits they like Halo and some will bash it til they are blue in the face but come on... we all can't wait to see Master Chief rise again.  Ever since the first one came out in 2001, Halo has captured numerous gamers which has spurred that jealousy.  But we all can't wait for Bungie to present the 4th one.  Although they have their hands full with Halo Wars and Halo 3: ODST, a fourth one is inevitable.  We wait to be amazed as we should expect a first glimpse of this in 2010."

Very nice topic and nice list of games.  I would just like to clarify, though, that Halo Wars is not being developed by Bungie.  They have resources to help answer any Halo universe style questions, but other than that Ensemble is doing the work.  Also, it is quite unlikely that Halo 4 will be developed by Bungie.  MGS has already been hiring talent for deevelopment work on a Halo related game.

Once again, nice topic.


1. Halo Wars

2. Diablo 3

3. Mass Effect 2

4. Kingdom Under Fire

5. Champions Online