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akuma587 said:

Sorry, I just have to rant.  People act like the government is NOW wasting their money, but have conveniently forgotten that this has been going on for years.

Its ludicrous.  I have been saying for months and years that the deficits the government were running were unsustainable, but the deficits remained enormous.  Now that we are in a recession and there actually is a risk that the economy will slump into a depression, everyone is a fiscal conservative.  How ridiculous is this?

I just don't understand why people are so short-sighted.  NOW they care about being fiscally conservative.  What about the last eight years?  What the hell were they doing then?  Just turning their head while the government racked up innumerable debts while the economy was doing fine?  I'm just so frustrated that people are so hypocritical.  When the government has no need to be spending so much money, they don't care.  When the government probably should be spending the money so that the economy doesn't collapse, they think it is time to be a fiscal hawk.

Its just plain ridiculous, and everyone who now thinks the government is wasting the taxpayers' money but weren't protesting the deficits we have been running for the last eight years (excluding some of the recessionary periods such as after 9/11) is a flagrant hypocrite.

/End rant.

GREAT Post.  I really can't say much more than this.

People didn't see the egg until it started running down their face.


"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself