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I've installed GoW2, Fable 2 and Prince of Persia. All definately run faster and I'm loving how quiet the drive runs.

Ninman said:

can anyone help me?
a 360 screw my gears, can i make it work with a install? (i dont have NXE)

heres the scratch:

You could take it to a game or rental store. Most offer a buffering scratch removal service. That's a pretty bad scratch though.

You could download NXE and install it. Here's a guide to burn it to CD and install if you can't connect your 360 to the internetz.

Once you have NXE try the install and see if it works. It might be ok. If it doesn't work, you could possibly hire a copy of Gears, install it using the rental copy and use your scratched disc to authenicate when you play it. Once installed it only uses the disc to find the SS (security sector) code which is located near the edge of the disc so the scratch wont matter. I've heard about people using this method with their heavy scratched discs and it seems to work well.