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Lot of tension here lately for the silly reasons as usual so I seek to create a bridge to connect that gap.  Instead of fighting over the petty things you do, let's find some common ground. 

There are always series out that that no matter what your tastes, gaming bias, or preference you are hyped to learn about.  These series always jsut seem to capture people even if you know you will never play them.  To show that we are all jsut gamers at heart here's the 5 most anticipated games everyone is waiting to play or just plain see.  In no specific order:

Gran Turismo 5- Whether your an ardent hater of the simulation racer genre or it's best friend, you are always curious as to what Sony will come out in the next line of series.  The high end visuals and numerous other features that keep people coming back is something everyone can't wait to see.  We should be finding more about this sometime in mid 2009 and possibly earlier.

Next Mario Platformer- He's been here since the early 80s and he still tickles our fancy.  The mario platforming series may be the most presigious series ever created as gamers continue to come back and play the next Mario title.  Considering quality of them have never gone down, it's quite obvious why.  After the strong release and quality behind Super Mario Galaxy, one can only imagine what Nintendo has in store for the next one.  Supposedly it's in development but no firm release date.  If I had to guess, we'll here something about it in 2010.

Halo 4- Not everyone openly admits they like Halo and some will bash it til they are blue in the face but come on... we all can't wait to see Master Chief rise again.  Ever since the first one came out in 2001, Halo has captured numerous gamers which has spurred that jealousy.  But we all can't wait for Bungie to present the 4th one.  Although they have their hands full with Halo Wars and Halo 3: ODST, a fourth one is inevitable.  We wait to be amazed as we should expect a first glimpse of this in 2010.

Half Life 3- The series that made shooters into something more than a simplistic genre has easily set itself apart from the rest.  With Half Life 1 and Half Life 2 capturing gamers in more ways than any other available it's hard to deny it's importance in the gamer's eyes.  Although HL2: Episode 3 will probably precede HL3, the thought of the 3rd in the series has not left our mind.  Game will probably be shown off first sometime in 2010 so we can see Gordon Freeman one last time with a crowbar in hand.

The Legend of Zelda- Possibly the most critically acclaimed hardcore series ever, hit after hit has come wiht thise series.  Whether with the old NES and SNES titles, to the fully 3D titles that turned a series into a timeless masterpiece: Legend of Zelda is withouth a doubt a pinnacle of hardcore gaming.  Even if you don't play the series faithfully, you will sit there with your eyes glued to the computer screen waiting to see anything about the latest title.  Need I not remind thouse of E3 2004.  The current Zelda title is slated for Wii and has been in development since early 2006.  Many expect a trailer at this E3 2009.  Without a doubt, servers will go down when it is finally up as everyone takes a peak.  I don't mean to pick favorites, but there is hardly a hardcore gamer out there who doesn't await this.


So cheer up.  These games are coming and we can all share in their glory.  Despite the corny phrase the company I work for has, power to the gamers is the real deal.  Share in the great games we'll all get and share in the great games other's will get because as long as the gamers win, we all win.