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Don't make mistakes, all of them will go optical for their consoles, obviously flash media for the handhelds, and here's why:

You are only talking about MS, Ninty and Sony, but you don't count something into the equation: 3rd PARTY PUBLISHERS...

Remember that 3rd party is key to all of them, and 3rd party is not going to abandon the really cheap media for going flash in consoles... For that to happen the difference in cost has to be small enough to go that route, and right now, while optical cost less than $1 to manufacture (as opposed to 32 GB flash that cost $50 in retail, now figure how much is the production cost), it's not convenient for 3rd parties, unless Microsoft is willing to pay a lot of money to them for compensate costs (and we know Ninty won't take that route)...

I still remember when Square got in a fight with Yamauchi because of many things but the hardest one was because the 64 MB cartridge, while optical costed a lot less and brought 700 MB per disc... Ninty won't make the same mistake again, they're already slowly recovering 3rd party support...