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VC hasnt sold too well, but hey its not excatly in a genre that flies off the shelves either. As far as all these freakin articles saying LBP has bombed.

1. its way to early to tell how well/bad its gonna end up doing. Games of this type have to show/not show legs before you can trully say.

2. and this is my main gripe, why does every article about LBP sales act as if NPD represents the entire world? Over half of LBP's sales have came from overseas but yet these idiots try to judge its success in what is now sony's weakest market.

Be patient ppl, if LBP holds well and finds itself selling at a nice pace weekly the opening weeks wont mean squat. If this game is trully gonna be the casual shot in the arm sony was looking for its gonna take time for it to show it can not only move units right now, but still be moving units 6,7,8 months down the road.