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RPG said:
docholliday said:
@ rpg, SE has long said thier next MMO will not have final fantasy in the name. While I agree with some of the article, overall the author seems to know very little about ffxi or its fanbase. "Microtransactions".....all i can say is HELL TO THE NO!!! Thats a quick way to say FU to the ppl who actually play the game to earn items in game. I've never been a fan of being required to buy armor if I want to upgrade either.

They do need to instance more battles though. Ppl that do dynamis,limbus,einjerhar get screwed now if someone claims a zone ahead of them because of lack of instanced zones. Updates could be handled better as well but I think that will come along with upgrades in servers with a new game.

Will also be nice to see how much they more they can do with a game without limiting it to 56k bandwith. Alot of ppl fail to realize that ffxi is capped at dialup speed due to it being on ps2 as well. I cant tell you how many times an SE rep said "We would like to do that, but due to ps2 limitations"

I'm really looking forward to hearing more though. I really think they have learned alot from ffxi as it was really alot of trial and error on SE's part with it being thier 1st mmo and all. Hopefully we hear more soon!!


ooh its not going to be FF, dont tell me there going to try and compete with Blizzard or someone else in that class

Nah, I wouldnt expect them to try to be blizzard at all. They have a vastly different fanbase, very similiar to how JPRG's and WRPG's are seen by most gamers. FFXI is still very big in JP so I would expect thier next MMO to be geared more towards thier current fanbase. FFXI could have been alot popular in the west though, its just that its so damn unforgiving. The learning curve can be very brutal at times. For example, I was able to go from ffxi and pick up WoW and just own shit from the start. Was able to become imo pretty damn good at the game fairly quick. You cant do that with ffxi, and I think alot of ppl try it and get frustated because it seems so daunting at 1st. That in itself could be a quick way for SE to expand thier fanbase with this next MMO, make it more user friendly out the gates. Make it easier for ppl to get started and established.