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irstupid said:
Infamous said:
irstupid said:
posting this question is pointless. All it does is get the PS3 fanboys to rush in an quote a list of games some out most not. And say how so much better.

Wii fan's will sit and ignore the thread cause they know sooner or later everyone is gonna buy a Wii anyway so why bother trying to convince 1 person at a time.


Dear sir, may I sig you? ;]


be my guest but your sig looks quite big already

and to OP it won't come down to games.  The Wii and PS3 both have a decent and good amount of great games.  What I would think about if I had to choose would be how often are you playing with a bunch of friends over.  If you have friends over and like to play multiplayer with them (not online, so inpersonal imo) then there is no decision.  The Wii wins hands down.

If not, then you may want to take into account the list of games, but heck I can't afford to get all the games on somoenes list, so I would get a couple and then buy games slowly coming out.  I can't spend 2k on games every year like it seems plenty on here do


Yeah I just looked into it, see a few people with bigger sigs than me so don't think it would be a problem, I'll make everything smaller later. +1 for quote of the year though.


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