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Retrasado said:
rocketpig said:
O-D-C said:
who else wants to go to lil Hitlers bday?

I'd show up in blackface just for the lulz.


rofl. post of the week.

OT: why the heck would you name your kid that? It's like tatooing "Please kick my a**" on his forehead...

Never underestimate the stupidity of people. Fucking with racists is just so much fun...

There was the time a few of us stormed a white supremist board, named ourselves after characters from The Lion King, and then "conspired" with them to eliminate the "Jewish problem", proclaiming ourselves to be fundamentalist Muslims. Boy, that was a lively conversation. The best was that to get on the board, you had to be approved manually by a moderator, and no one seemed to notice the names applying at the same time were Rafiki, Pumba, Timon, etc...

Then there was the time I refused to serve a Neo-Nazi chick tequila because she "hated Mexicans and therefore, didn't deserve good tequila", but that's another story. Almost ended up in a fistfight over that one.

Most people get mad at overtly racist people. I think they're hilarious in a mostly harmless way. After all, it takes someone way down on the intelligence ladder to become one and at that point, they've already marginalized themselves in the grand scheme of things.

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