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So up until now I have been pretty ignorant to what the Wii and PS3 both offer. I love my 360 and it's enough for me as far as games go (I still have 4 more games I want to buy this christmas) but I don't want to miss out on some of this generations best games.

I have some kind of idea about the games on the PS3 and Wii but nothing apart from Da Blob on the wii and LBP on the PS3 gets me wanting either console, I plan to purchase a PS3 or a Wii next christmas (hopefully by then there will be a few games I love that can warrant my purchase.


So which one should I go for? Price won't be a factor. I do however want games I can't get on the 360, games like LBP because there is nothing on the 360 remotely like that. I'm not really into shooters, LOVE platforming and open to other types of games.

My 360 list of games is

Viva Pinata 1 & 2, Oblivion, Halo 3, GTAIV, Burnout Revenge, Fable 2, Bioshock, Lips & Mortal Kombat. Plan on getting Prince of Persia, Fallout 3, L4D & Banjo Kazooie this Christmas.

So from that if you could reccomend any games you think I might like be most appreciated :) upcoming games are welcome too. Thanks!