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Still, if the consoles do switch to solid-state drives, how do you handle backward compatibility? A PS4 without PS3 BC? A next gen XBox without 360 BC? A next get Ninty console without Wii BC? I don't think people will take it nicely if you offer BC by purchasing an external device.

On using smaller game sizes... well I can think of some possible techniques:

1. Remove FMV and use real-time cutscenes (mentioned above)
2. Procedural textures and geometry (mentioned above)

Possible problems with above:

1. The audio for cutscenes and in-game. You can compress it, but at the cost of fidelity.
2. Artist / Programmer division of labor. You'd probably need artists cum programmers to make full use of procedural methods. The current status quo just requires the artists to use with Max/Maya/XSI and Photoshop to create game assets.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.