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Bboid said:
frybread said:
Ail said:

That, with price is one of the big reasons VHS never took off as a medium to sell movies to the mass market.

What's your source for this?  I'd double check it if I were you, because it's horribly wrong.

HDTV is a major step up from SDTV. On an interlaced SDTV screen it doesn't matter much if it's VHS, DVD or Blu-Ray. Like I said Blu-Ray makes sense for HDTV owners.

That's still just picture quality, something that has never sold a format on its own.



Do your self a favor and watch a BR movie on a properly setup full home theatre.  You will notice that the sound quality is astonishing.  The sound quality improvement is just as large, if not greater, than the improvement in picture quality.

And that is sound quality something that has even less effect then picture quality when it comes ot hometheater.People just care if it is "surrond" sound they don't care about actually quality. Otherwise people would be oak body speakers and Bose wouldn't be consider to be "high end".Blu-Ray can push the "HD" buzzword as a marketing tool it is a powerful marketing tool and something people will learnt o appreciate.