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axumblade said:
Bboid said:
axumblade said:
Bboid said:

OK, I kind of have issue with a bit of these.


Best Hardware is frankly a bad category name, as there are too many ways to look at that.  Need specifics.  LBP is not best game of the year, L4D is not best online experience.  Best developer media molecule?  I don't think so, maybe they deserve "Most surprising developer".


End of my random displeasure with crappy awards.

Also, if you look at last nights VGA...

L4D won best multiplayer

Media Molecule won best developer.

and for LBP winning game of the year isn't too surprising considering the hype behind the game.

 GTA4 also won GOTY, confirming to almost everyone that again that game awards and reviews are largely biased.  GTA4 winning VGA's GOTY is an absolute flipping joke.  360, Wii, PS3, and PC owners alike should all be outraged.

I still don't understand how it's an absolute joke but oookay. Just because you're bitter that MGS4 isn't getting as many GOTY awards doesn't mean that it's not a great game and just because Grand Theft Auto 4 isn't your favorite game, doesn't mean that it's not other peoples. It had a HUGE impact on gaming this year and it also was a great game for the first round through of the game. That's normally all that matters. If it were up to me, I would have probably voted another game, but just the impact of GTA4 was bigger than the impact of any of the other games nominated.

Personally, I wouldn't care whether LittleBigPlanet or Metal Gear Solid 4 or Gears of War 2 won. All of the games nominated did deserve the nomination. And it was an all around great year for games so that means that I'm sure Metal Gear Solid 4 will get it's share of "Game of the Year" awards. As well as Gears of War 2. As I said, all are great games and deserve the best.



When did I ever fucking mention MGS4 should have won more awards?  I have owned every single GTA game produced and sold on a console/handheld and I have bought multiple copies when rereleased on PC.  I love the series, it is probably my favorite series of all time, but GTA4 was garbage.  Every mission was the same, there are a large number of features missing that were established on GTA:SA, there are a number of issues with the game itself, and nearly everyone is in some form disappointed with the game and disagrees with most of the "formal" reviews given for the game.  Even the story of the game didn't flow very well (though it did start out very well).


All things aside, don't ever put words in my mouth or assume I was thinking something clearly different.  You do not know me on a personal level enough to start completing my sentences and thoughts and never will.