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Feylic said:
Squilliam said:
Munkeh111 said:
1. I want my backwards compatibility!!!! (and my PS3 does have bc)
2. Uncharted showed how you can make a game with a 30 second load time, and then nothing else at all, and the disc drive does not get very loud, it is only because the Xbox is not made very well that it sounds like a jet fighter (thank god for installs!) and of course I do still love owning my games

1. Theres always the HD-DVD type external drive if you want it. ^^

2. Theres still that delay in actually starting the game, and you will hear an 8-12* Blu Ray drive so it will be a source of noise if they scale the speeds up for the next generation. Furthermore to use an optical drive a console needs - > Optical Drive, Hard Drive for installs, and extra ram just like on a computer because data from the HDD/Optical drive cannot be streamed fast enough. Thats between $50-$100 of extra hardware for no real benifit to you, just to cover up the weaknesses of a format.


So you're saying that If I had a solid state drive on my computer, I wouldn't need any ram??!??!?  Then why are CPU manufacturers still making processors that need ram, don't they know that they don't need it? Seems like a bad investment to me if what you say is true.


Lulz, I said it would need extra ram. And yes, if you have an uberfast SSD on your computer and the operating system was optimised to use it, you wouldn't need as much ram.

Seriously its the optical drives and hard drives which will turn consoles into mini-computers. If they suffer the same drawbacks then they will have to use the same solutions to those problems. Consoles should be designed as pure gaming machines, not something which could pass off as Uncle Joe's desktop if you got Linux installed onto it. Consoles are about making the hardware design decisions that computers cannot have due to conflicting standards and inertia.



