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lotz of thangs i need to tell u then.
i doubt system restore will do u any good.

virtumonde is also called vundo. from what i know about it is that it only part of many .dll's.
what it does is any one of its many .dll's is set to trigger one program or tasks and it prompts ur computer to do many things ranging from a pop up to other things.
one of the things it does is shuts off your auto updates from microsoft.

u can manually turn it on by running services.msc and turn on Automatic Updates and Security Center that way. however u'll still have problem as vundo will prevent it from being turned on.

Security Task Manager will only show what Task Manager normally, only in more details. With Security Task Manager you can manually delete each and every .dll that it reads that could potentially be a virus. still, STM requires u to buy the program to fully delete everything... sux

u can download Windows Defender and it will always shows a virus.

what vundo is is many .dll's. then it creates other .dll's also so even if u attempt to delete as many as .dll as you can as long as u have at least one of its .dll it will never go away.

even if u go to safe mode, a .dll cannot be deleted as long as one of OS's exe is using it...

most of these trojans come from downloading a software or program online via torrent

might as well give up and uninstall xp. once u've done so, just reinstall it.

because just reinstalling xp or system restore, there's a very slight chance that one of its .dll is hiding behind as a M$'s registry file, who knows...

having windows defender, security task manager and all that will only keep the virus at bay.. 'cuz once u do something to your computer that triggers it.. then you're right back to where you started and all that gud stuff..