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Problem is they tried to push out too many new IPs in a very crowded market already.

Creating new IPs is a tough job and requires a lot of marketing.
So far Ubisoft did the best job in that area with Assassin's Creed that was advertised very heavilly and featured a commercial that actually was impressive at the time ( even if the game ended to be a little repetitive, the commercial was indeed stunning and convinced some players to purchase the game just on its strenght).
I can't however say that any commercial this holydays made me jump in my seat and scream 'woah'


So far this gen the 2 best commercials were still Halo 3 ( because of the song ) and Assassin's Creed...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !