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rocketpig said:

The parents might be bigots, racists, and completely fucking stupid, but where is the ACLU in situations like this?

That organization used to actually stand for something... Now it's just a liberalist agenda bullshit group that covers the people it likes and ignores those it doesn't... It's been years since I saw them fight for someone whose rights were being infringed upon and who also happened to be an ignorant, racist fucktard. They're a long way from the days of Skokie, Illinois vs. Neo-Nazis.

/end rant on ACLU.

Businesses do have the right to serve whom they please and how, but basing it from a name alone is sketchy, at best.

You may think these people are horrible for naming their kids what they did and for having the beliefs they do - but they deserve the same rights as anyone else. Would you look so kindly on that Shop-Rite if they started refusing to make birthday cakes for kids with Muslim names?

If you see a difference... I have a question to ask you. Who made you judge, jury, and executioner on other peoples' beliefs? Just curious.

The ACLU isn't involved because no one's rights have been infringed upon. There is no legal "Right to Cake Naming" in the constitution, nor any law on the books that states that a store or bakery has to serve anyone who walks through their doors (all stores have the ability to refuse service, most never do, but the rule is there nonetheless).

The state allowed these chowderheads to name their kids what could be the most idiotic names I have ever heard (celebrity kid names included), no one has told them they can't be Aryan Nation propagandists, no one is taking their kids away, so how can you come to the conclusion that the ACLU or any legal body needs to intervene in this situation?

And how can you compare this with a Muslim name? The parents knew good and well what they were referencing when they named their children, this wasn't some innocent mistake or a cultural difference. this was a wanton disregard for good taste and, honestly, is insulting not just to the millions of people killed and tormented by Hitler's Germany, but to humanity at large. This is not rights issue, this is a supermarket deciding that they would not take part in something as horrible as this, but still giving the customer the avenue to do it themselves.


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