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Avinash_Tyagi said:

Oyvoyvoyv, Wii has penetration into households that PS2 never had, My parents have one of their own, my sister has one of her own. The only reason 360 and PS3 are selling more than the GCN/Xbox is because of poulation growth, the Wii has pop growth and new market penetration.  The Wii has much higher potential growth than you think


 Population growth? In the western world? Hah...

Okay, this is the absolute best case scenario in each of these areas.

Americas + Canada = 85M (90% of all families buy one, which is impossible).

Western Europe =  90M (80% of all families buy one)

Japan = 25M (80% buy one)

Eastern Europe = 8M. It will somehow sell 8 times more in total than it has sold so far. It has by no means become a hip thing here, and is being outsold by the Playstation 3, and barely outselling the 360!

Australia  = 4M. Very optimistic.


Total: 210-220M (just so you know, this can't actually happen)


So in the rest of the world, which the Wii has so far sold less than 1M in, the Wii will sell 70-80M... Right.


Also, I cannot stress this enough. People DO NOT buy mulitple of the same console in a family. It may have happened in your family, and 10.000 families in the United States, but that doesn't inflict these numbers.


PS: I know I sound very harsh here, I apologize for that.

Ps2: I'd love to be proven wrong.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS