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Phrancheyez said:

Why are you so pro-GTAIV?  Are they paying you?  The mass - not general - the mass consensus is the game sucks.  I think the game sucks, 85% of the people in this thread think the game was either average or sucked.  Your first paragraph makes absolutely no sense as a rebuttle, because all of those games (except that horrible wannabe metroid) actually improved on the previous games.  GTAIV, while I give them kudos for trying, took a step back.  Rockstar actually made the game worse.  Just because they have 2 artists that you like doesn't make the games soundtrack amazing.  


Woah woah hold on there. The mass consensus is that the game did not deserve the chain of perfect scores it landed from most reviewers. You are just extrapolating your own opinions. I browse a few gaming forums (although I only actively post here) and there is no consensus at all on the game sucking, just on it not deserving its current agregate score on metacritic/gamerankings.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).