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I've made up my mind. I'm against the action, and here's why:

This corporation, shop-rite (or whatever it's called) has the sole purpose and legal responsibility to generate profit, deliver to its shareholders, and, theoretically, function in the general interest of the public (I stress the word theoretically).

Corporations achieve these goals by selling goods or services, in this case, they were selling the service of naming a cake, by denying to perform this service, the were denying the ability to generate profit, they now won't be able to give the shareholders as much of a dividend, as they'll have less profit, and the consumer wasn't getting what they wanted.

Whatsmore, a corporation isn't a democractically elected body, therefore it has no right, no mandate, to state what is and isn't right, and they certainly have no rights over censorship. To give them these rights would be undemocratic. This corporation should act in the way that the government tells them, to reject and allow what the government says that they can reject and allow.

Any true liberal democracy (and, in particular, the US) has freedom of speech, and this means that the government says that the people of its country can say, think, and feel whatever they like, and aslong as they're not putting anyone else's lives at danger, they won't get in trouble for it. The non-elected, undemocratic corporation has infringed on one of the most basics of civil liberties, and it should not be allowed.

Hell, perhaps I should join the ACLU