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Kenology said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
patjuan32 said:
kingofFAIL said:


Yes, because Guitar Hero and Resident Evil are also brand new IP exclusive for the Wii.... wait a second.


Third party exclusive title being ignored by casual audience the in absent of any Nintendo paid ads featuring "Wii would like to pay"?? Is this really shocking?

Not as shocking as Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Burnout paradise, and Tales of Vesperia falling at retail. But no one wants to talk about that.


Or Legendary. Another gamecock game that had the makings of great success on HD consoles (shooting and hype) and yet it bombed completely.

But if I may ask a rhetorical questions... why are the fanboys so quick to point out Wii games that perform badly at retail which didn't have half the hype of Legendary but never the PS360 games that bomb?


i know right