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My summary may be a bit over-simplified, but I stand by the main point of my argument. As for the poster who talked about the PS3 initially being far cheaper than the standalones, you're right, but you are again missing part of the puzzle. The PS3 was always intended to get Blu-ray off the ground by not only getting units into homes, but also quickly reducing the cost of manufacturing Blu-ray drives via the economy of scale of mass producing PS3s. If the PS3 had not included Blu-ray, you'd still probably be paying twice as much as we are now for a standalone. The PS3 has done its job by reducing costs and defeating HDDVD. Now it's time for the standalones to take up the reins. In order to do that, they need to be competitively priced. Sony harms the sales of their BDA partners by reducing the PS3's price too quickly.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.