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CNN says the differences between Blu-ray and DVD are hard to see on a TV less than 50". I suppose that'd be true if your eyes are somehow genetically fixed at 720 x 480 (NTSC). For the rest of us, Blu-ray at even 720p (1280 x 720) with all its other commensurate upticks in sample rates and color quality is shockingly better than the visuals output of the average DVD.


I really need glasses because i honestly cannot see this shocking difference everyone is talking about. You've gotta love advertising, people honestly believe what they are told to believe. 

If most people were to walk into a t.v. store, i bet most would not know if a DVD or Blu Ray disc was playing on the screen. I keep saying that people are buying HD TV's because they are big and flat not because they are hoping to pay an extra 400 dollars and three times the price of a dvd for a few extra pixels. 

When a blu ray disc costs as much as a dvd, and a player can be found for $59,99, Blu ray will sky rocket. 

When the PS3 costs $199, its sales are also likely to sky rocket. 

Member of the Pikmin Fan Club