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Phoenix_Wiight said:
No, believe me, all the games I like aren't overrated, the lot of them are quite underrated. GTA IV did nothing for gaming- it took the same game that we've seen many times, put it in a new world with better graphics and a better control scheme, but made it less fun than any GTA game in the past few years.
GTA IV is a very simple game, with some great parts to it, but some completely average aspects to it- story, soundtrack, etc.
Most games like GTA IV that focus of on something like this usually are far from perfect, they are very SIMPLE. But that's okay, because it's what tons of people want, a really simple game that they can enjoy for a few minutes a day and then turn it off, like with Halo, GoW, etc.

Like I said, it's not a bad thing, because it's what a lot of people like, but just because people like it doesn't mean it deserves the scores that it gets. Sadly, in these days of gaming, the more people that like something the better the score it gets, where the less people that like something, the lower the score it gets. Notice that every game on the 360 that has guns and violence and is a shooter sells pretty damn well, and usually get great scores, while RPGs, platformers, and all the other genres don't get great scores (by most bias sites, such as Gamespot, who everyone knows gets paid off by companies to write good reviews.)

Mass popularity =/= If a game is good
It usually = a really simple, but fun game.

GTA IV did not deserve GoTY


        Yeah, but see, I can take your first paragraph and do this with it and be just as accurate:

Fixed:  The Legend of Zelda:  Ocarina of Time or The Legend of Zelda:  Majora's Mask or The Legend of Zelda:  The Wind Waker, or The Legend of Zelda:  Twilight Princess or Mario Kart Wii, Metroid Prime 3 or Super Smash Brothers Whatever) did nothing for gaming- it took the same game that we've seen many times, put it in a new world with better graphics and a better control scheme, but made it less fun than any Zelda, Mario Kart, Metroid Prime, or Super Smash Brothers  game in the past few years. 

     The story, soundtrack, gameplay in GTA IV are far from average.  I've already talked about the soundtrack.  Smashing Pumpkins in their prime, The Sisters of Mercy, many more.  Soundracks don't get better than that.


     Your third paragraph fixed:

Most games like (Wii Play, Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Animal Crossing:  City People, Mario Kart Wii in particular just a kart racer with cartoon characters) that focus of on what they do usually are far from perfect, they are very SIMPLE. But that's okay, because it's what tons of people want, a really simple game that they can enjoy for a few minutes a day and then turn it off, like Wii Sports, Mario Kart Wii), etc.


 Such a cinematic masterpiece as GTA IV dealing with real issues effecting a real subgroup in our society and solutions to problems which might not be the most legal or ethical ways to go about trying to make your life as good as it can possibly be in a country where billion dollar bailouts go to billionaire companies while the poor gets jack and we may actually be headed back to the days of Dillinger and Capone as result really gets the shape that the Liberty City or Liberty Nation that America has become at this point in our history is in and it is a very accurate portrayal of our times. Sadly enough .  One can be thankful though that in our time video game critics much to the chagrin of fanboys across th entire spectrum of gaming have got this one thing right that GTA IV was at its release  and has remained the very best game of 2008.


     Mass popularity usually results in idiotic comments   like Wii Fit should be Game of the Year because it has sold so many copies as a result of endorsements from the likes of Ellen Degeneris and CBS News promoting it for use by seniors that have a hard time exercising in other ways.

     GTA IV definitely deserved to be Game of the Year in 2009.  But some argument can be made that MGS 4 deseved more than runner-up status and it should have been a tie.

Heavens to Murgatoids.