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noname2200 said:
patjuan32 said:
noname2200 said:

Nice qualifiers you've got going there. If you add enough conditions, you can eliminate every game that defeats the point you're trying to make!

Oh, and patjuan32? Only Vesperia is an "exclusive title," so you can't hold that against the guy. Plus, it's not a "new exclusive IP." Behold, the power of making irrelevant arguments!

Oh, and don't even try to bring up good-selling 3rd party exclusives like Boom Blox, No More Heroes, etc. etc. Despite the publishers considering them successes, you can't prove that they weren't "being ignored by (sic) casual audience." He's got you there too!

Aha! you say triumphantly, thinking you can turn the tide by pointing to one of the many third-party exclusive games that have failed on other consoles, including his beloved PS3 and PS2. But before you even start to mention Haze, or the awesome but horrificly bombing Valkryia Chronicles, you'll come to the stunning realization that those games don't count, hang on a sec, I'll think of something...because we're not talking about any other console but the Wii now, so kindly STFU.

Yeah, that's it.

Don't f*** with a master, patjuan!


Dude, What the heck are you smoking and what are you talking about? Who cares if he was talking about exclusives. The fact of the matter is that he was talking about a game failing at retail on the Wii. This is where my point came in. I showed him games that failed on HD platforms and The Highest selling HD platform in North America, The Xbox 360. I could go own and mention games like the Darkness, Unreal Tournament 3, and others if you want. Still who cares if the game is exclusive? It still bombed and that is the whole point of the argument.

Secondly, most 3rd party Wii games are exclusives while the PS3/Xbox 360 have very few exclusives. This is why an argument just about exclusives really does not make sense. Do you wish to make threads comparing the lack of retail sales for Party Babyz versus some Xbox 360 exclusive? As I said, the argument is about games failing at retail.

Next time, Please post before you get drunk and not after. It will make you post more logical.


I think yours is broken, dude...


I don't know if that is sarcasm. My sarcasm detector turned out to be a frog exaggerator :(


Anyway, I believe this is the time to put in the fault tree.



d21lewis said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
BMaker11 said:
This game doesn't have "Wii" or "Mario" in its was destined to fail on the Wii




I believe you should say


English is not my native language


Rather than saying


"(english are not my first language also)"

I disagree.  I think he SHOULD have said "englosh am isn't my first language not too."  I would've laughed harder.


On topic:  Mushroom Men didn't do well because Bowser kidnapped their princess again.  Everytime he does that, the Mushroom Man economy suffers.  Plus, Mario ate at least two copies of the game.


I started to google now, to check if I should have written "I believe you ought to have said" instead of "I believe you should have said"

Was that intentionally made to fool me, or did I just do that myself?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS