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Grampy said:
epicurean said:
Grampy said:
windbane said:
Grampy said:
Don’t bother calling me a Blu-ray hater because I have two BD burners and several more players for work. I have begun to wonder if that was a mistake. The cost of hard disk space is falling much faster than BD.

1TB disk <$100 ($0.10/GB reusable - $0.20/GB in RAID 0) so it’s cheaper to store it than to put it on Blu-ray at about $0.24/GB. Standard DVD cost about $0.04/GB, DVD-DL about $0.11/GB. Unless the cost is brought down very quickly, BD may never see wide spread adoption for anything but movies.

I am already finding increasing skepticism and resistance at professional conferences to the idea of it becoming a major data storage medium.


hah, you are such a blu-ray hater!  You bought your laptop without knowing it even had blu-ray.

Anyway, the cost of storing on a hard drive has always been cheaper than storing on optical media.  The point of having it on a disc is an increase in portability and insurrance that it won't go away when your hard drive dies.

No, actually that hasn't been and even today isn't true.

25x25GB BD/$300=$0.46/GB

100 x 700MB CD/$15 =$0.21/GB

25x8.5 DVD DL/$25=$0.12/GB



1TB HD/$100=$0.10/GB

800GB tape/ $35 = $0.04/GB

100x 4.7GB DVD/$21=$0.04/GB

Blu-ray is over 10x more expensive than DVD  and almost 5x more than HD server space. Not very attractive.And not very portable since so few use it.

As far as using optical media as"insurrance that it won't go away when your hard drive dies" , no thats actually what the RAID is for



 I don't think many home users have a RAID set up.  And even people that DO have RAID's (including companies) might not have off-site storage.  Granted backup tape hasn't been brought up, and is almost certainly cheaper (even cheaper than DVD).  That all being said, why do you seem to think blu-ray's prices will remain static?  That makes no sense whatsoever.  Was DVD the cheapest solution when it came out?  I think maybe you should rescind your comment that you're no blu-ray hater - you're coming up with some reasosn that are stretching, to say the least.

At current prices many people are setting up home RAID and many better quality desktops and notebooks come with it, or offer it as an option. Also, if you care to reread the list ,backup tape IS listed and it currently costs about the same as DVD per GB. It is still used  because of  high total storage capacity in applications where access speed is unimportant.

I'm a professional. I don't care what format “wins”, I will use whatever is cost effective. I purchased the BD burners anticipating that the cost would come down and acceptance for data storage grow much faster than it has. If they do fine. If not, I will use something else.

Unlike fanboys and Sony, I don't have the luxury or inclination to sacrifice my lab's efficiency or my professional reputation to have an agenda on behalf of some storage media. I have used 8", 5 1/4", 3 1/2" floppies, Zip, Jaz, tape, CD, DVD, DVD-DL and BD in turn. And if BD doesn't earn its keep, I'll move on to whatever's next. I don't really give a rat's ass. None of them sends me a check.

If you choose not to believe me fine, I can only assume that the concept of professionalism is not one you hold to.


 I too am an IT pro, and I didnt' buy blu-ray to be my data storage solution so early in its lifetime.  I don't see how it could have been seen as the cost-efficient thing to do at the time, but I'm not in your situation and don't know the challenges for your business.

While RAID me be offered for some home solutions, I sure dont' see it very often.  In fact, I've never seen it, but I'm guessing it is offered.  That being said, i think its quite obvious at the present the blu-ray is not a great answer for use as a storage medium for data.  However, as I already said, the cost will come down.  It came down with dvd, it came down with cd, it comes down with everything.  I'm sorry your current  Blu-Ray backups aren't as cheap as you'd like for you, but I don't think its fair to say that points to the formats downfall.  After all, its use as a data storage medium is only one thing blu-ray can be used for.  It seems to be doing pretty well selling movies currently (one need only look at the "dark knight" sales figure), and the more it sells, the more it will come down in price.

And as far as the "I can only assume that the concept of professionalism is not one you hold to" goes - wow, for someone who goes by the name "grampy", that

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS