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The Anarchyz said:
crumas2 said:

It's a great format, and I hope to pick up a player as soon as a Sony/Toshiba/Pioneer/etc. brand unit can be had for $199 or less.

But they need to get the prices of the players and the movies down if they don't want it to stall.  I was at FYE yesterday and most of the movies were $24.99 and up.  That's a rediculous price for a format that's trying to supplant DVD as the dominant video media format.

DVDs were more expensive than VHS at first, then the prices dropped, that's the electronic cycle, with blu-ray it will be the same...

True, but Blu-ray movies haven't been dropping in price overall.  Yes, I can find discounts on Amazon, etc., and I can also find special deals, but when I walk into an FYE or Best Buy and the Blu-ray movies are on average about twice as expensive as the same movie on DVD, that is a problem.

Getting this tech to go mass-market means the prices will need to come down first.  Blu-ray sales are still a tiny percentage of DVD sales.

I really hope it does succeed, I live in a rural area, and while I love my Dish HD (it looks fantastic on my Sony Bravia LCD TV, regardless what people say regarding bit-rate, true resolution, etc.), I will not be downloading NetFlicks movies any time soon, and I like to own my movies on optical discs.

But they have to get the @#%$# prices of the movies down... NOW!