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I think they certainly can, with Home the sky's the limit. Its wheter they will, and if it will be by Christmas.They could bring in stereos and screens so friends can listen, view and share music, pics and videos of the PS3 HDD. There is loads of stuff in the works:

Motorstorm apartment, based on the PR island, with a view to the festival. Will probably be distributed in a contest or event.
PSP-3000 treasure hunt in the event room

"Design your own T-shirt" which will be set for sale in the Home space.

"Motorstorm VIP" event, with interaction from the developers
Red Bull area, mini game where you fly the Red Bull plane through rings to gain points, and place yourself on the leaderboard
Buzz! area, with a minigame called "Buzz! Runaround" where people have to run around on the buttons of a giant Buzz! controller to answer questions and rack up points for the leaderboard
Motorstorm area concept shown. Will have mini game called "MotorKartStorm" and merchandise counters for buying Motorstorm branded clothing
Resistance 2 area concept shown, should look something like the Main Plaza, but invaded by the chimera. Might contain a team based mini game, where you will fight off chimera.
Content partners that were confirmed include Sega, Activision, Midway, Atari, Eidos, Ubisoft, EA Sports, Diesel and Audi
Trophy room is alive, but on hold at the moment. Will come in the future.

Home will read what trophies you have and unlock stuff in Home accordingly
Home will have its own trophies, though it is unknown exactly how that will work
Future games will have the option of giving you a message after you aquired a trophy, of what that trophy unlocked in Home
Greater PS Store integration is being worked, as an example: Approaching a poster for a game in Home, and being able to download the demo of the game from the poster alone
Cross-game invites will happen through Home, and will be made available in the future
Bigger clubs, cross-Home game invites and extended profiles are being worked on already
New updates "fairly regularly".