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I was wavering on whether this would be a solid purchase, but it appears to have a story line that revolves around the gang war that the main game only hints at. More to the point it brings back secondary characters so it should actually mesh with the games main story. So it is more a game of its own, and that means it is probably worth the twenty dollar asking price.

One thing that intrigued me from that oh so short video was the hijacking scene. Well at least I think it is a hijacking scene, but if that is what I think it is. I am starting to get a little stoked. I mean if they are going to let you kick another rider of his ride so you can steel their ride. In one fluid motion there is probably some real sick twisted shit under this hood. That alone would be a blast in any chase. The ability to dump a ride by jumping onto another ride could make for some fantastic mission novelty.

Imagine being chased by the police, and its oh no their is a roadblock ahead. No problem commandeer that dump truck in the other lane. Jump in and hit the gas. I mean imagine the possibilities you could turn traffic into guided bombs. That would be a blast in the main game, but hell it would be a blast online as well. They just need to give us some fuel trucks.