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Between mandatory installs and up to a minute loading before you can even enter any control inputs to start/load a game, there are always loading screens.

There is no mandatory install in 360 games and none in many exclusive PS3 games like Uncharted. Loadtimes are likewise very small in them. The problem seems to be more that games are ported from the 360 and the easy way out is to add a huge install, saving some development time. Hardly a BluRay problem per se. (Oh and MGS4 also sucked at this).

Also Hard drives are expensive

Harddisc space will at least in the next decade be much much cheaper than flash memory. So I don't understand your solution to this "problem". You'd rather have a console that is 20 Euro cheaper (you will need some storage in the console for firmware, downloads ...) but then pay 5-10$ more on each game? Sounds a bit weird to me.