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sony is losing more money now than may get complicated...but here it goes....

b4 the recession..... for every $1...yen was worth 140 since the recession $1 = 93 yen.....let's say production used to cost $600(82000 yen).... and sold for $400(56000 yen@140yen per $1)....production cost doesn't go down for sony...still is 82000 yen to produce...but now since yen is worth more...they are losing more....$400(37200yen@93yen per $1) they went from losing 26000yen to losing 44800 yen...these are just rough #...not exact...but u get the idea...

and with that cannot afford a price cut anytime soon...unless $1 goes up in value...or they cut the cost of production drastically